Planning Geek Forums


Class L – Ground source heat pumps on commercial


Ground Source heat pump

Ground source heat pumps are permitted development and do not require planning permission.

This is subject to just two minor limitations. Any excavation of the ground is limited to 0.5 hectares and you only install one ground source heat pump.

And that it that on Class L!

For a residential version of this, please see Class C of Part 14.





Class L – installation or alteration etc of ground source heat pump on non-domestic premises

Permitted development

L. The installation, alteration or replacement of a microgeneration ground source heat pump within the curtilage of a building other than a dwellinghouse or a block of flats.


L.1 Development is permitted by Class L subject to the following conditions—

(a) the total area of excavation must not exceed 0.5 hectares;

(b) the development must not result in the presence within the curtilage of more than 1 ground source heat pump; and

(c) a pump is removed as soon as reasonably practicable when no longer needed and the land is, as far as reasonably practicable, restored to its condition before the development took place, or to such condition as may have been agreed in writing between the local planning authority and the developer.



Page Updated:  4th March 2023