If You Think Education Is Expensive, Try Ignorance

You may have heard people quote this. People think it is not true, sadly it is! I love it when someone I am talking to has that light bulb moment when they realise that they have missed out on opportunities. Opportunities that they didn’t even know existed. Education is something we all need. I never stop educating myself and nor should you.

Education - You don't know what you don't knowBut, please don’t blame yourself for not knowing. After all you don’t know what you don’t know!ย  How can you? Not all education costs money though. I often attend free meets where people are able to chat to me about any planning or development issues. I am only to happy to share my knowledge.

Sure some education will cost – but what was the price of ignorance?

These few pages will go through my speaking engagements, my courses, my mentoring on a one to one basis and my Zoom or Google Meet calls.

However I am able to help you in either your development path or your planning questions, please let me know. I am here to help!