Class J – Industrial hard surfaces plus warehouse premises


Industrial hard surfacesIf you have a warehouse or industrial unit, Class J allows for the construction of an industrial hard surface or the replace thereof. This also applies to warehouses.

Unless there is a risk of groundwater contamination any new surfaces must be either prorous or provision made for the run-off water to be dealt with properly.

If you have a residential property, please see Class F of Part 1. For schools, universities or hospitals see Class N of this part. For commercial properties, pubs and takeaways see Class E of this part.




Class J โ€“ hard surfaces for industrial and warehouse premises

Permitted development

J. Development consisting ofโ€”

(a) the provision of a hard surface within the curtilage of an industrial building or warehouse to be used for the purpose of the undertaking concerned; or

(b) the replacement in whole or in part of such a surface.

Development not permitted

J.1 Development is not permitted by Class J if the development would be within the curtilage of a listed building.


J.2 Development is permitted by Class J subject to the following conditionsโ€”

(a) where there is a risk of groundwater contamination the hard surface must not be made of porous materials; and

(b) in all other cases, eitherโ€”
(i) the hard surface is made of porous materials, or
(ii) provision is made to direct run-off water from the hard surface to a permeable or porous area or surface within the curtilage of the industrial building or warehouse.




Industrial Hard Surfaces Page Updated:  7th August 2023