Planning Geek Forums


Certificate of Lawfulness – Fee Proposal / Quote

Planning ApplicationsIf you are interested in the team at Planning Geek submitting a certificate of lawfulness on your behalf please let us know. We are highly experienced at such applications and will assist you in putting together all the required documents. We will also write the supporting document.

Simply fill in the form below and we will reply as soon as possible.  At this time we are only able to accept planning applications within England. 

This form isn’t too long – but it allows us to confirm your requirements. Please fill in as much as you can.


Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.

Let us know about yourself.....

Please let us know about yourself and how we can contact you.


Have you had a Zoom session with Ian about this site?
If you had a zoom session in relation to this site, we will deduct that figure from our fees for the application.

Book via if interested (opens in new tab)

Let us know about the site address for the application......

The Site Address
Is this the same address as your contact address?
For the site for the certificate, are you?....

Let us know about the application (the more info the better)

Is this for a proposed use or an existing use?
Is the building or land in one of the following areas
Anything important that we need to know that might affect the application?

Almost there 🙂

Just a couple more questions

Do we need to visit the site?
How did you find out about Planning Geek
Terms & Conditions

Please note that you will require a location plan to the correct scale, proposed and existing floor plans and proposed and existing elevations as required. We can assist with these if required.


Thanks, please click submit and we will email you a copy of your answers.

We will follow up by email as soon as possible. 

If you have any issues with this form, please email [email protected] with details of your request. This will be because cookies are being blocked and the recaptcha form cannot function to prevent spammers.


All fee proposals or fixed price quotes are subject to the Planning Geek Terms and Conditions. Details of government planning fees can be found at


Page Updated: 9th March 2024