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GPDO Article 5

Article 5

The General Permitted Development Order (GPDO) is divided into ten Articles. Four of these Articles are then expanded further. These expanded areas are called Schedules. These are then in turn split into a number of Parts. Finally these Parts are divided into Classes within Schedule 2. This is Article 5.

Where we have additional pages and tables to assist you they are included below. Of course they are not part of the various GPDO Articles, Schedules or Classes – but are included to make life easier for you. If we can improve this section in any way – please get in touch.

Below is a full list of all articles within the GPDO:-


1. Citation, commencement and application
2. Interpretation
3. Permitted development
4. Directions restricting permitted development
5. Directions restricting certain minerals permitted development
6. Directions: general
7. Prior approval applications: time periods for decision
7ZA. Prior approval applications: modified procedure in relation to call-in of applications
7A. Review
8. Revocations and saving

Article 5 relates to the restriction of certain minerals and their location within Part 17 of the GPDO. Part 17 is for Mining and mineral exploration. 



Article 5 – Directions restricting certain minerals permitted development


(1) If, on receipt of a notification from any person proposing to carry out development within Class K, KA or M of Part 17 of Schedule 2, a mineral planning authority are satisfied as mentioned in paragraph (2), they may, within a period of 21 days beginning with the receipt of the notification, direct that the permission granted by article 3 does not apply to the development, or to such part of the development as is specified in the direction.

(2) The mineral planning authority may make a direction under this article if they are satisfied that it is expedient that the development, or any part of it, should not be carried out unless permission for it is granted on an application because—
(a) the land on which the development is to be carried out is within—
(i) a National Park;
(ii) an area of outstanding natural beauty;
(iii) a site of archaeological interest, and the operation to be carried out is not one described in the Schedule to the Areas of Archaeological Importance (Notification of Operations) (Exemption) Order 1984 (exempt operations);
(iv) a site of special scientific interest; or
(v) the Broads;
(aa) in the case of development otherwise permitted under Class KA, the land on which the development is to be carried out is within a protected groundwater source area (as defined in Class JA of Part 17 of Schedule 2);
(b) the development, either taken by itself or taken in conjunction with other development which is already being carried out in the area or in respect of which notification has been given under the provisions of Class K, KA or M of Part 17 of Schedule 2 would cause serious detriment to the amenity of the area in which it is to be carried out or would adversely affect the setting of a Grade I listed building;
(c) the development would constitute a serious nuisance to the inhabitants of a nearby residential building, hospital or school; or
(d) the development would endanger aircraft using a nearby aerodrome.

(3) A direction made under this article must contain a statement as to the day on which (if it is not disallowed under paragraph (5)) it comes into force, which must be 29 days from the date on which notice of it is sent to the Secretary of State in accordance with paragraph (4).

(4) As soon as is reasonably practicable a copy of a direction under this article must be sent by the mineral planning authority to the Secretary of State and to the person who gave notice of the proposal to carry out development.

(5) The Secretary of State may, at any time within a period of 28 days beginning with the date on which the direction is made, disallow the direction; and immediately upon receipt of notice in writing from the Secretary of State disallowing the direction, the mineral planning authority must give notice in writing, to the person who gave notice of the proposal, stating that the person is authorised to proceed with the development.



Page updated: 4th February 2022