Planning Geek Forums


Class A – infrastructure required by local authorities


InfrastructureWe will not be expanding upon Class A, which is for buildings and other infrastructure required by the local authority within Planning Geek at this time.

The legislation can be found below. If you need the guidance of Planning Geek in the process for Class A, please contact us for any assistance or book a Zoom call today.





Class A

Permitted development

A. The erection or construction and the maintenance, improvement or other alteration by or on behalf of a local authority or by or on behalf of an urban development corporation of—

(a) any small ancillary building, works or equipment on land belonging to or maintained by them required for the purposes of any function exercised by them on that land otherwise than as statutory undertakers;

(b) lamp standards, information kiosks, passenger shelters, public shelters and seats, telephone boxes, fire alarms, public drinking fountains, horse troughs, refuse bins or baskets, barriers for the control of people waiting to enter public service vehicles, electric vehicle charging points and any associated infrastructure, and similar structures or works required in
connection with the operation of any public service administered by them.

Interpretation of Class A

A.1 For the purposes of Class A, “urban development corporation” has the same meaning as in Part 16 of the Local Government, Planning and Land Act 1980 (urban development).

A.2 The reference in Class A to any small ancillary building, works or equipment is a reference to any ancillary building, works or equipment not exceeding 4 metres in height or 200 cubic metres in capacity.






Class A – infrastructure Page Updated: 13th August 2023