Part 17: Mineral and mining

mineral and miningThis section (mineral and mining) gives permitted development rights to providers in the coal, petroleum, mineral and mining industry to undertake certain works.

As the readership of Planning Geek is unlikely to be utilising too many of these, we may not be expanding on many of these unless we feel there is a need. However we will be adding the legislation to all in due course.

The up to date legislation can be found in each section for Part 17. With a summary as required. 


The sixteen sections within Part 17 are as follows:

Class A โ€“ Extensions, alterations etc ancillary to mining operations

Class B โ€“ Other developments ancillary to mining operations

Class C โ€“ Developments for maintenance or safety

Class D โ€“ Coal mining development by the Coal Authority and licensed operators

Class E โ€“ Coal mining development by a licensee of the British Coal Corporation

Class F โ€“ Coal-mining development on an authorised site

Class G โ€“ Coal-mining development by the Coal Authority etc for maintenance or safety

Class H โ€“ Waste tipping at a mine

Class I โ€“ Waste tipping from a mine on sites used since 1948

Class J โ€“ Temporary use of land etc for mineral exploration

Class JA โ€“ Temporary use of land etc in respect of petroleum exploration

Class K โ€“ Use of land etc for mineral exploration

Class KA โ€“ Use of land etc in respect of petroleum exploration

Class L โ€“ Removal of material from a stockpile

Class M โ€“ Removal of material from mineral-working deposit

Paragraph N โ€“ Definitions of words and phrases used in Part 17

Page Updated: 16th August 2023