The Town and Country Planning General Development Order 1950


In 1950 we saw the first full revision of the GDO as it was known then. This was given the snappy title of The Town and Country Planning General Development Order and Development Charge Applications Regulations 1950. As a result this has been missed from other websites. This order applied to the whole of England and Wales.

This order replaced the Town & Country Planning (General Development) Order 1948.

The Town and Country Planning General Development Order and Development Charge Applications Regulations 1950

By now, the Order was starting to look a bit more like the one we see today. For the first time we see conditions to each permitted development, such as outbuildings not being in front of the dwellinghouse. 

If you wanted to run a fried fish shop, tripe shop, pet shop or a cats-meat shop you can now undertake a change of use from a restaurant. 

The 1950 GDO now contained 22 classes, using Roman numerals, including a new right for aerodrome buildings.

The reason for the rather long title was that it now incorporated the Town and Country Planning (Making of Applications) Regulations 1948 (SI 1948/711)

SI 1950/728 was laid before Parliament on 8th May 1950 and came into operation on 22nd May 1950.

You can view the original version here.

There was one amendment of the GDO 1950.

SI 1958/1460 – The Town and Country Planning General Development (Amendment) Order 1958 – download here

This order was replaced by The Town and Country Planning General Development Order 1959, although the 1959 version was also known as the Town and Country Planning General Development Orders, 1950 to 1959.


Other revisions of the GDO or GPDO





Updated: 28th November 2023