SANG – What is it?

The acronym of SANG stands for Suitable Alternative Natural Green Space. This is an area that is aimed at protecting an SPA or Special Protection Area. An SPA is part of a European-wide network of sites of international importance for nature conservation established under the European Community Wild Birds and Habitat directives.

Surrounding these Areas there are bu๏ฌ€er zones in which development is constrained to prevent damage to the SPA itself. These are the SANGs. Development is limited in these areas.

One example is the Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Area covers over 8,400 hectares of Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) within Berkshire, Hampshire and Surrey. This affects 15 local authorities within the 5km buffer zone around it. The SPA is designated for breeding populations of Dartford warbler, nightjar and woodlark, which are protected species under the EC Wild Birds Directive.

As a result of the SPA a levy is charged on new development in the area in each SANG. This is called SAMM or Strategic Access Management and Monitoring.



These fees are in addition to any CIL that might be payable and are calculated on the number of bedrooms. It also applies to creating HMOs where normally CIL would not normally be payable (unless new space).  When doing your due diligence in an area affected by SANG or SAMM it is important to calculate all the costs involved. Details of the amounts payable can be obtained from the respective local authority.

This page is currently being updated, so if you have anything to add to it, please let us know.


Page Updated: 9th March 2022