Property & Planning Glossary
What do these acronyms and other odd words mean?
This property glossary page will explain what the various acronyms and other phrases which are often banded around in property, planning and development. The page of jargon busters is constantly being added to, so please check back often. At the last count we have around 500 entries in the glossary! The most comprehensive property A to Z that you will find!! If you can find a better glossary – let us know!! It was probably copied from here – if it exists!!
If something is missing from the property glossary, let us know. Where we have information about a phrase, we will link to the relative page or section.
AADF AADT AAWT AAI ACM ACM ACV Adopted Road Adopted Plan ADS AF AGLV AIA AIB AIP Affordable Amenity AML Ancient Woodland AoHNE AONB AP Appeal Appellant AQA AQMA Article 2(3) Land Article 2(4) Land Article 2(5) Land Article 4 ARLA ASDT ASHP ASLI ASR ASSI AST AT BC BBL BMRV BMV BNG BoE BOPAS BREEAM BRMV Broads Brownfield land BRR BRRR BTL BTS Build to Rent CA CAD Catchment CBIL CBR CC CCJ CDM CEMP CERTASS CfSH CGI CGT CH CHP CIAT CIBSE CIL CIOB CIS CLEUD CLG CLOPUD CLT CLU CML Coalescence COCR COL Commuted Payment Conservation Area Core Strategy COSHH CPO CPR CPSE CPZ CRM CT Curtilage D&B D&O DAPHS DAPHS DAS dB DC DCLG DD Decision Notice DEFRA Density Development Development Plan DIP DLA DMDPD DMPO DPC DPD DPEA DPH DPM DPP DQRA DTV Dwellinghouse E&O EA EBITDA EDC EIA EICR Employment Land EOT EPC ERC EUV EWS1 Extant FCA FENSA FH FLEEA Flood plain FM FMV FR FRA FRA FRI Lease FTB FW&T Gateway Site GCH GDPR GDV GEA GFCH GIA GLA GP GPDO GQRA GR Grampian Green Belt Greenfield GSC GSHP Habitable Room HBS HCA HHSRS Highway HMO HMRC HNWI HOTs HPI HPL HRA HSE HTB HVAC IAQM ICOMOS ICR IFA IHBC IHT IL Inclusive Design Infrastructure IO IPMS IPMS 1 IPMS 2 IPMS 3 IRI IRR JCT JSL Judicial Review Period JV JVP KPI KSA KYC LA LABC LAD LAP LBC LBC LBTT LCRM LDC LDF LEAP LEMP LEP LH LIBOR Listed building LL LLA LLFA LLD LLP LO Local Plan Locally Listed LPA LPE1 Form LTC LTD LTT LTV Major Development Massing Material Considerations MBC MCOB MCM MCS MDC MEES MHCLG Minor Development MOS MV MVHR MVP MW National Parks NAEA NALS Natura 2000 NDEPC NDHA NEAP Neighbourhood Plan NHBC NIA NIA NIMBY NLA NLUD NMIS NP NPPF NPPG NR NSA NSG NSIPs OAO OCH OIEO OIRO OMV OO Open Space OPM OPP Original Building OS OTO Outline Application Out of Town Outrigger PA PA PAT PCA PCM PCPA PD PDL PEA PEDW Peppercorn Rent Permeable Surface PG PG PINS PiP Planning Condition Planning Obligation Planning Permission Plot Ratio Policy Map POA POA PoC PP PP PPE PPG PPR Pre-App Prior Approval Proposals Map PRA PRT PS13/3 PS14/4 PTAL PV PW PWA QS QUANGO R2R Refusal Regeneration Reserved Matters RHI RIBA RICS RIDDOR ROCE ROE ROTE ROI ROR RP RPA RPI RSL RTM RTPI RX1 RX2 RX3 RX4 S102 S104 S106 S171 S184 S257 HMO S278 S38 S50 S73 S96A SA SAC Safeguarded land SAMM SANG SAP SARB SASS SBI SDLT SEA SFRA SHLAA SHMA SIPP SIPs SL SLA SMC SNCI SoS SPA Space Standards SPD SPG Splays SPP SPV SSAS SSCLG SSE SSSI SSTC SSTCM STPP SuDS SUE Sui Generis Sustainable Development SV SVR TCPA TDC The Broads TOGC TPO Transport Assessment Travel Plan TS UCO UDP UDPRN UKAS Unadopted UPRN Use Classes USRN VC Vergรฉe Vesting Order VF Visibility Splay VOA VP WHS Wildlife Corridor X-Axis Y-Axis YIMBY Zero-carbon |
Annual Average Daily Flow (also see AADT) Annual average daily traffic is the total volume of vehicle traffic on a road for a year divided by 365 Annual average weekday traffic Areas of Archaeological interest Asbestos Containing Material Aluminium Composite Material (cladding) Asset of Community Value A highway that is maintained at public expense Confirmation of the finalisation of a development plan or local development document by the LPA Additional Dwelling Supplement to the Land and Buildings Transaction Tax in Scotland Angel Finance Area of Great Landscape Value Arboricultural Impact Assessment Asbestos Insulation Board Agreement in Principle Social rented, affordable rented and intermediate housing provided to eligible households A positive element or elements that contribute to the overall character or enjoyment of an area Anti Money Laundering A area that has been wooded continuously since at least 1600 AD Ardaloedd o Harddwch Naturiol Eithriadol (AONB in Welsh) Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Adverse Possession Process to challenge a negative planning decision. One who appeals to the inspectorate regarding a refusal for planning Air Quality Assessment Air Quality Management Area Conservation Area, AONB, the Broads, National Park, World Heritage Site National Park, the Broads, certain land just outside a National Park Areas within certain Local Authorities where restrictions to the GPDO exist Direction removing some or all permitted development rights Association of Residential Letting Agents Average Summer Daily Traffic Air Source Heat Pump Areas of Special Landscape Importance Asbestos Survey Report Area of Special Scientific Interest Assured Shorthold Tenancy Assured Tenancy Borough Council Bounce Back Loan Below Market Value Below Mortgage Redemption Value Biodiversity Net Gain Bank Of England Buildoffsite Property Assurance Scheme Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Methodology (how “green” a new building is) Broad Rental Market Area The Norfolk and Suffolk Broads Land which is or was occupied by a permanent structure Buy Refurb Refinance Buy, Refurb, Rent, Refinance, and Repeat Buy to Let Buy to Sell Purpose built housing that is 100% rented out Capital Allowances Computer Aided Design Designated area within which specific policies may apply CoronaVirus Business Interruption Loan Californian Bearing Ratio – a penetration test used to evaluate the subgrade strength of roads and pavements County Council or City Council County Court Judgement Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 Construction Environmental Management Plan Certification and Assessment – UKAS approved Certification Scheme that checks individual contractors and companies competence against set standards Code for Sustainable Homes Computer Generated Image Capital Gains Tax Central Heating Combined Heath and Power Chartered Institute of Architectural Technologists Chartered Institute of Building Services Engineers Community Infrastructure Levy Chartered Institute of Building Construction Industry Scheme Certificate of Lawful Existing Use or Development Department for Communities and Local Government (now the MHCLG) Certificate of Lawfulness of Proposed Use or Development Cross-Laminated-Timber construction Certificate of Lawful Use Council Mortgage Lenders Merging ot coming together of separate towns or villages to form a single entity Cash On Cash Return Certificate of Lawfulness (listed buildings) Payment made in lieu of recreational open space or affordable housing Area of special architectural or historic interest Document setting out long term spatial vision for the LPA Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Compulsory Purchase Order Civil Procedure Rules Commercial Property Standard Enquiries Controlled Parking Zone Capital Repayment Mortgage Council Tax The area, usually enclosed, encompassing the grounds and buildings immediately surrounding a home Design and Build (a popular form of building procurement) Directors & Officers Insurance Design, Access, Planning and Heritage Statement Don’t Awake Planner He’s Sleeping Design and Access Statement Decibel District Council Department for Communities and Local Government (now the MHCLG) Due Diligence Planning approval or permission issued by the LPA on a planning application Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs A measurement of either number of habitable rooms or number of dwellings per hectare Defined in the 1990 Town & Country Planning Act describing “the carrying out of building, engineering, operation in, on or under land, or the making of any material change in the use of any building or other land” Statutory Development Plan setting out the policies that direct future development in an area Decision in Principle Disability Living Allowance Development Management Development Plan Document Development Management Procedure Order (England) 2015 Damp Proof Course Development Plan Document Planning & Environmental Appeals Division in Scotland Dwellings per hectare Damp Proof Membrane Detailed Planning Permission Detailed Quantitative Risk Assessments (Phase 3) – See GQRA & PRA Direct to Vendor Property containing a single person or by people to be regarded as forming a single household Errors & Omissions Estate Agent Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortisation Exchange with a Delayed Completion Environmental Impact Assessment Electrical Installation Condition Report Land identified for business, general industrial or storage and distribution as per the Use Classes Extension of Time Energy Performance Certificate Early Repayment Charge Existing Use Value External Wall Survey Process – for external cladding on taller residential buildings Planning permission which is still valid and able to be implemented. It has been started. Financial Conduct Authority Fenestration Self Assessment Scheme Freehold Fire, Lightning, Earthquake, Explosion, Aircraft (Insurance) Low-lying areas adjacent to a watercourse, tidal lengths of a river or the sea, which can flood Force Majeure Fair Market Value Fixed Rate Flood Risk Assessment Fire Risk Assessment Full Repairing & Insuring Lease First Time Buyer Fair Wear and Tear Key development area usually identified and containing opportunities for prominent prestige developments Gas Central Heating General Data Protection Regulation Gross Development Value – the value of all the units on a site Gross External Area – the area of a building measured externally Gas Fired Central Heating Gross Internal Area – the area of a building measured to the internal face of the perimeter wall Greater London Authority Gross Profit General Permitted Development Order (England) 2015 Generic Quantitative Risk Assessments (Phase 2) – See DQRA & PRA Gross Return Planning condition preventing the build until off-site works have been completed on land not controlled by the applicant Land around large built-up areas, which aims to keep this land permanently open or largely undeveloped A site which has never previously been developed (now known as Previously Developed Land) Gas Safety Certificate Ground Source Heat Pump Includes lounges, bedrooms, kitchens, studies, conservatories etc., but not bathrooms , cupboards etc. Help to Buy Scheme Homes and Communities Agency Housing Health and Safety Rating System A road or footpath that is adopted or unadopted by the highways authority House of Multiple Occupation Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs High net worth individuals Heads of terms House Price Index High Pressure Laminate (cladding) Habitat Regulations Assessment Health and Safety Executive Help to Buy Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning Institute of Air Quality Management International Council on Monuments and Sites Interest Cover Ratio Independent Financial Advisor Institute of Historic Building Conservation Inheritance Tax Invert Level (pipes) Designing the built environment to ensure that they can be accessed and used by everyone Buildings, roads, schools, leisure facilities, churches, play areas, public open spaces etc. Interest Only International Property Measurement Standards New international standard for Gross External Area (GEA) New international standard for Gross Internal Area (GIA) New international standard for Net Internal Area (NIA) Internal Repairing Insuring (Lease) Internal Rate of Return Joint Contracts Tribunal – standard forms of contract for use by the construction industry Joint and Several Liability A period of 6 weeks whereby a process of challenging the lawfulness of decisions of public authorities, usually local or central government Joint Venture Joint Venture Partner Key Performance Indicator Key Shopping Area Know Your Client/Customer – ID checking with solicitors etc. Local Authority Local Authority Building Control Liquidated and Ascertained Damages (re a JCT) Local Area for Play Listed Building Consent London Borough Council Land and Buildings Transaction Tax in Scotland (similar to English Stamp Duty) Land Contamination Risk Management (contains PRA (phase 1), GQRA (phase 2) & DQRA (phase 3) Lawful Development Certificate Local Development Framework Local Equipped Area for Play Landscape & Ecological Management Plan Local Economic Partnership Leasehold London Interbank Offered Rate A building of special architectural or historic interest Landlord Local Landscape Areas (Scotland) Lead Local Flood Authority Local Landscape Designations Limited Liability Partnership Lease Option A development plan prepared by district and other local planning authorities A building that’s been listed by the local authority. Not quite a listed building. Local Planning Authority Leasehold Property Enquiries Form Loan to Cost Limited Company Land Transaction Tax in Wales (similar to English Stamp Duty) Loan to Value 10 dwellings or more or a site greater than 0.5 hectares or a floor area of 1,000 sq. m. or more Combined effect of the arrangement, volume and shape of a building or group of buildings in relation to other buildings and spaces Consideration relating to the purpose of planning legislation Metropolitan Borough Council Mortgage Conduct of Business rules Metal Composite Materials (cladding) Microgeneration Certification Scheme for wind turbines and air source heat pumps Metropolitan District Council Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government 9 dwellings or less, or a site under 0.5 hectares or a proposed floor area of 999 sq. m. or less Memorandum of sale Market Value Mechanical Ventilation with Heat Recovery Minimum Viable Product Minor Works Contract Nationally designated areas for protection of the landscape National Association of Estate Agents National Association of Letting Agents A European network of protected sites consisting of SAC and SPA Non-Domestic Energy Performance Certificate Non Designated Heritage Asset (see Locally Listed) Neighbourhood Equipped Area for Play Document prepared by a Parish or Town Council or Neighbourhood Forum National House Building Council Scheme Net Internal Area – the useable area within a building measured to the internal face of the perimeter walls Noise Impact Assessment Not In My Back Yard National Landlords Association National Land Use Database – Land Use and Land Cover Classification Non Mainstream Investment Scheme Net Profit National Planning Policy Framework National Planning Policy Guidance Net Return Net Sales Area National Street Gazetteer Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects On the application of (often related to planning applications within appeals) Oil Central Heating Offers In Excess Of Offers in The Region Of Open Market Value Owner Occupier Open space of public value including land, water, canals, rivers, lakes and reservoirs Other Peopleโs Money: Using other peopleโs money to purchase property Outline Planning Permission As a building existed on 1st July 1948 or if after when it was first constructed Ordnance Survey Open To Offers Planning permission to establish that the principle of planning is acceptable Location outside of the existing urban area Either a one or two storey on the rear of a Victorian house containing kitchen, scullery etc. (original structure) Per Annum Prior Approval Portable Appliance Testing The Property Care Association Per Calendar Month Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 Permitted Development Previously Developed Land (formerly known as brownfield) Predicted Energy Assessment Planning and Environment Decisions Wales A token or nominal rent. The name comes from leases where the ground rent is one peppercorn a year now now usually ยฃ1 a year. Designed to allow rainwater to infiltrate through the surface Planning Gain Personal Guarantee Planning Inspectorate for England Permission in Principle A condition imposed on a grant of planning permission A legally enforceable obligation entered into under Section 106 to mitigate the impacts of a development proposal Planning approval confirmed via a decision notice The proportion of a development site covered by buildings See Proposals Map Price On Application Power Of Attorney Profit on Cost Planning Permission Purchase Price Personal Protective Equipment Planning Policy Guidance Principal Private Residence Pre planning application advice A form of permitted development for a change of use Part of the local plan showing development zones within the local community (or Policy Map) Preliminary Risk Assessment (Phase 1) – See GQRA & DQRA Private Residential Tenancy (Scotland) FCA restrictions on the marketing of unregulated investments to members of the public FCA regulatory approach to crowdfunding over the internet Public Transport Accessibility Levels (Transport for London) Photovoltaic (solar) panel Per Week Party Wall Agreement or Act Quantity Surveyor Quasi Autonomous Non-Governmental Organisation Rent to Rent Formal written notice that a planning application has been refused The economic, social and environmental renewal and regeneration of an area One or more matters reserved in an outline planning permission – access, appearance, layout, scale and landscaping Renewable Heat Incentive Royal Institute of British Architects Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations Return on Capital Employed Return on Equity Return on Time Employed Return on Investment Rate of Return Registered Provider Root Protection Area for trees Retail Price Index Registered Social Landlords are government-funded not-for-profit organisations that provide affordable housing Right to Manage Royal Town Planning Institute (Chartered Town Planner) Application to register a restriction on a property title preventing certain types of transactions affecting the property being registered at Land Registry Application for an order that a restriction be disapplied or modified Application for an order to cancel a restriction on the title of land or property Application to withdraw a restriction placed via an RX1 Section 102 is an agreement for an already installed sewer to be adopted Section 104 is an agreement to adopt a new sewer Section 106 is a legal agreement between an applicant seeking planning permission and the local planning authority, which is used to mitigate the impact of your new home on the local community and infrastructure Section 171 for works to a highway, such as a vehicle access or placing materials on the road Section 184 is for a temporary vehicle crossing over a footway prior to a Section 278 or a Section 38 agreement or a dropped kerb A building converted into flats before 1992 & less than 2/3rds owner-occupied Section 278 allows developers to enter into a legal agreement to alter the public highway Section 38 is an agreement to make a road to adopted by the local authority Section 50 allows for apparatus to be installed beneath a highway Section 73 allows for minor material amendments to planning permission or an Application for removal or variation of a condition following grant of planning permission Ability to make โnon-materialโ amendments to planning permission under S96A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 Serviced Accommodation Special Area of Conservation Land which is designated for future development Strategic Access Management and Monitoring Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace Standard Assessment Procedure – assessing the energy rating for a new home Sale and Rent Back Small Self Administered Scheme Site of Biological Importance Stamp Duty Land Tax Strategic Environmental Assessment Strategic Flood Risk Assessment Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Strategic Housing Market Assessment Self Invested Personal Pension Structural Insulated Panel system Supported Living Special Landscape Areas Scheduled Monument Consent Sites of Nature Conservation Importance Secretary of State Special Protection Area Minimum sizes permitted for rooms or residential dwellings Supplementary Planning Document Supplementary Planning Guidance The visibility at the junction of a road. The wider the opening or splay the further one can see Subject to Planning Permission Special Purpose Vehicle – a limited company or LLP set up for the sole purpose of one or more sites Small Self-Administered Pension Scheme Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government Secretary of State for the Environment Site of Special Scientific Interest Sold Subject To Contract Sold Subject to Concluded Missives Subject To Planning Permission Sustainable Drainage Systems – Managing runoff from buildings and hard standings Sustainable Urban Extension Any planning use not falling within a specific use class Where a development meets the needs of present generation without compromising future generations Surveyor Valuation Standard Variable Rate (Mortgage) Town and Country Planning Act 1990 Technical Details Consent The Norfolk and Suffolk Broads Transfer of Going Concern Tree Protection Order Setting out the transport issues relating to a proposed development Management strategy for an organisation or a site that seeks to deliver sustainable transport objectives Title Split Use Classes Order – the Town & Country (Use Classes) Order puts properties into various planning categories Unitary Development Plan Unique Delivery Point Reference Number – deliverable address from Royal Mail United Kingdom Accreditation Service A highway that is not maintained at public expense Unique Property Reference Number – could be houses, offices, bus stops, substations etc. Classes which categorise land usage into groups Unique Street Reference Number – all streets in Great Britain Venture Capitalist 17,640 sq feet (1,639 sq m) in Guernsey or 19,360 sq feet (1,798.6 sq m) in Jersey Order of a court, an administrative agency, or public officer passing the legal title in lieu of a legal conveyance Venture Finance The visibility at the junction of a road. The wider the opening or splay the further one can see. Valuation Office Agency Vacant Possession Value World Heritage Site – A cultural or natural site of outstanding universal value designated by the ICOMOS Areas of habitat connecting wildlife populations Horizontal axis on a chart Vertical axis on a chart Yes, In My Back Yard campaign group – opposite to NIMBY Over a year, the net carbon emissions from all energy use in the home are zero |
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Glossary Page Updated: 26th March 2023