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Use Class D – locations where people do not sleep

Planning Use Class DUse Class D of the Use Classes Order 1987 (as amended) are generally locations where people do not sleep such as non residential institutions and assembly and leisure etc..  Note that the list on this page might alter from the original order as some subclasses have been removed and others added. This page is correct as of 28th July 2020. Check out our changes of change of use table to see which Class D use classes enjoy permitted development rights.

Note that as of 1st September 2020 Use Class D has been removed and replaced with Use Class E, Use Class F1, Use Class F2 and Sui Generis.

They are as follows…..

(Also see Class A, Class B, Class C, Class E, Class F1, Class F2 and Sui Generis)

Class D1 – Non-residential institutions
Any use not including a residential use —
a) for the provision of any medical or health services except the use of premises attached to the residence of the consultant or practitioner (Doctors, clinics & health centres, acupuncture clinic etc. (must be medical or health related)) (but not beauticians, nail bars, massage parlours etc. see sui generis) ,
b) as a crèche, day nursery or day centre,
c) for the provision of education (schools, colleges, non residential education, training centres and universities etc.),
d) for the display of works of art (otherwise than for sale or hire) (galleries),
e) as a museum,
f) as a public library or public reading room,
g) as a public hall or exhibition hall,
h) for, or in connection with, public worship or religious instruction (churches & church halls etc.),
i) as a law court (Crown only)

Class D2 – Assembly and leisure
Use as –
a) a cinema,
b) a concert hall (music halls etc.),
c) a bingo hall,
d) a dance hall,
e) a swimming pool, skating rink, gymnasium or area for other indoor or outdoor sports or recreations, not involving motorised vehicles or firearms (see sui generis). Not night clubs (see sui generis)

Check out our changes of change of use table to see which Class D use classes enjoy permitted development rights.

Where a property is in two use classes – then it will be classed as sui generis. The one exception is a building with Class E, sub-paragraph (g)  & B2 use as long as the section allocated to B2 is not substantially increased.

Page Updated: 19th November 2021