Common Projects around the home and work – do they need planning?ย 

‘Do I need planning permission for that project?’ is a very common question here at Planning Geek – do I need permission to make these changes to my house, my flat or my business? This section will answer many of your questions.

Note that many common projectsย  can also be undertaken with permitted development rights. Please see the General Permitted Development Order (GPDO) section for more information.

We will expand and add questions, and most importantly the answers to those questions here for these common projects.

This section can be accessed by the direct URL of


Common Projects around the home and work - do they need planning


Select from any of the common projects below. Note that some common projects will apply to both business and home life where appropriate.

If you need clarification on a common project, why not jump on a Zoom call with Ian, the founder of Planning Geek. If in doubt, Ian does not recommend contacting the local authority. Due to their workload they will often need you to submit an application in order to establish your permitted development rights for your project. The days of sending an email or dropping in with a chat about your common project with the duty officer have long gone in many areas.

The list of common projects is regularly updated here on Planning Geek. Did you know that Planning Geek now submits applications across the UK on behalf of clients every day? For a free fee proposal click here.


Page Updated: 15th March 2025