Use Class C2A – Secure Residential Institutions

Use Class C2A of the Use Classes Order 1987 (as amended) is for the use as residential institutions.

The full description is use for the provision of secure residential accommodation, including use as a
prison, young offenders institution, detention centre, secure training centre, custody centre, short-term holding centre, secure hospital, secure local authority accommodation or use as military barracks.


Use Class C2A

Permitted Development Changes for Use Class C2A

There are not any permitted development rights to go from or to C2A from/to any other use class. This would require planning permission. The one exception to this is the rarely used Class T to go from a C2A to a state funded school. Maybe it has been used once, who knows?!

If you require assistance with planning permission please either request a free fee proposal, or book a Zoom call with Ian, the founder of Planning Geek. Our team of planning consultants are here to help.


Examples for Use Class C2A

According to the Planning Geek directory of uses, C2A includes Custody Centre, Detention Centre, Military Barracks, Naval Barracks, Prisons, Secure Hospitals, Secure Local Authority Accommodation, Secure Training Centres, Short Term Holding Centres, Young Offenders’ Institutions.


Page Updated: 20th January 2024