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Use Class F2 – Local communityโ€‹


Use Class F2 of the Use Classes Order 1987 (as amended) was introduced on 1st September 2020 and covers some of the former use classes of D2 (non-residential institutions) and some uses that government wishes to protect for use in the community that were formerly D1 or A1. Some locations might be in Use Class E, Use Class F1 or even Sui Generis depending upon their current use.

The full description is for the use as –
a) a shop mostly selling essential goods, including food, to visiting members of the public in circumstances whereโ€”
(i) the shopโ€™s premises cover an area not more than 280 metres square, and
(ii) there is no other such facility within 1,000 metre radius of the shopโ€™s location,
b) a hall or meeting place for the principal use of the local community,
c) an area or place for outdoor sport or recreation, not involving motorised vehicles or firearms,
d) an indoor or outdoor swimming pool or skating rink.

The Use Class Order 2020 was an update to the Use Class Order 1987 and the changes are summarised here.

Use Class f2


Permitted Development Changes for Use Class F2

There are not any permitted development options for Use Class F2. Therefore any changes of use will require full planning permission.

If you require assistance with planning permission please either request a free fee proposal, or book a Zoom call with Ian, the founder of Planning Geek. Our team of planning consultants are here to help.


Examples for Use Class F2

According to the Planning Geek directory of uses, F2 includes Cricket Pitches, Football Pitches, Hall or Meeting Place for local use, Local Halls. Local Shops (no other such facility < 280 sq m within 1 km), Outdoor Sport, Petting Farm, Polo Ground, Scout hut, Skating Rink, Sports Arenas, Swimming Pools & Tennis Courts

These Use Class F2 uses are protected for local community use and therefore we are unlikely to ever see permitted development rights. Where some of these uses are ancillary to the main use they might be a different Use Class. So a swimming pool in a hotel would more than likely be Use Class C1 as opposed to Use Cass F2


Use Class F2 Page Updated:ย  22nd July 2024